Asynchronous Global Index Maintenance-Partitioning

As shown in the prior section, you can maintain global indexes while dropping or truncating partitions via the UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES clause. However, as shown previously, such operations come at a cost in terms of time and resource consumption.

When dropping or truncating table partitions, Oracle postpones the removal of the global index entries associated with the dropped or truncated partitions. This is known as asynchronous global index maintenance. Oracle postpones the maintenance of the global index to a future time while keeping the global index usable.

The idea is that this improves the performance of dropping/truncating partitions while keeping any global indexes in a usable state. The actual cleanup of the index entries is done later (asynchronously) either by the DBA or by an automatically scheduled Oracle job. It’s not that less work is being done, rather it’s the cleanup of index entries is decoupled from the DROP/TRUNCATE statement.

A small example will demonstrate asynchronous global index maintenance. To set this up, we create a table, populate it with test data, and create a global index:
$ sqlplus eoda/foo@PDB1
SQL> drop table partitioned;
SQL> CREATE TABLE partitioned( timestamp date,id int)PARTITION BY RANGE (timestamp) (PARTITION fy_2020 VALUES LESS THAN (to_date(’01-jan-2021′,’dd-mon-yyyy’)), PARTITION fy_2021 VALUES LESS THAN( to_date(’01-jan-2022′,’dd-mon-yyyy’)));
SQL> insert into partitioned partition(fy_2020)select to_date(’31-dec-2020′,’dd-mon-yyyy’)-mod(rownum,364), rownum from dual connect by level < 100000;99999 rows created. SQL> insert into partitioned partition(fy_2021)select to_date(’31-dec-2021′,’dd-mon-yyyy’)-mod(rownum,364), rownum from dual connect by level < 100000;99999 rows created. SQL> create index partitioned_idx_global on partitioned(timestamp) GLOBAL; Index created.

Next, we’ll run a query to retrieve the current values of redo size and db block gets statistics for the current session:
SQL> col r1 new_value r2
SQL> col b1 new_value b2
SQL> select * from(select b.value r1from v$statname a, v$mystat bwhere a.statistic# = b.statistic#and = ‘redo size’),(select b.value b1from v$statname a, v$mystat bwhere a.statistic# = b.statistic#and = ‘db block gets’);
R1 B1
56928036 80829

Next, a partition is dropped with the UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES clause specified:
SQL> alter table partitioned drop partition fy_2020 update global indexes; Table altered.

Now we’ll calculate the amount of redo generated and the number of current blocks accessed:
SQL> select * from(select b.value – &r2 redo_genfrom v$statname a, v$mystat bwhere a.statistic# = b.statistic#and = ‘redo size’),(select b.value – &b2 db_block_getsfrom v$statname a, v$mystat bwhere a.statistic# = b.statistic#and = ‘db block gets’);
old 2: (select b.value – &r2 redo_gen
new 2: (select b.value – 4816712 redo_gen
old 6: (select b.value – &b2 db_block_gets
new 6: (select b.value – 4512 db_block_gets
16864 103

Only a small amount of the redo is generated, and a small number of blocks are accessed. The reason behind this is that Oracle doesn’t immediately perform the index maintenance of removing the index entries from the dropped partition. Rather, these entries are marked as orphaned and will later be cleaned up by Oracle. The existence of orphaned entries can be verified via the following:
SQL> select index_name, orphaned_entries, status from user_indexes where table_name=’PARTITIONED’;

How do the orphaned entries get cleaned up? Oracle has an automatically scheduled
PMO_DEFERRED_GIDX_MAINT_JOB, which runs in a nightly maintenance window:
SQL> select job_name from dba_scheduler_jobs where job_name like ‘PMO%’;

If you don’t want to wait for that job, you can manually clean up the entries yourself:
SQL> exec dbms_part.cleanup_gidx; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Now checking for orphaned rows shows there are none:
SQL> select index_name, orphaned_entries, status from user_indexes where table_name=’PARTITIONED’;

In this way, you can perform operations such as dropping and truncating partitions and still leave your global indexes in a usable state without the immediate overhead of cleaning up the index entries as part of the drop/truncate operation.

Tip See Oracle Support note 1482264.1 for further details on asynchronous global index maintenance.