OLTP and Global Indexes-Partitioning-1

An OLTP system is characterized by the frequent occurrence of many small read and write transactions. In general, fast access to the row (or rows) you need is paramount. Data integrity is vital. Availability is also very important. Global indexes make sense in many cases in OLTP systems. Table data can be partitioned by only one key—one set of columns. However, you may need to access the data in many different ways. You might partition EMPLOYEE data by LOCATION in the table, but you still need fast access to EMPLOYEE data by

•\ DEPARTMENT: Departments are geographically dispersed. There is no relationship between a department and a location.
•\ EMPLOYEE_ID: While an employee ID will determine a location, you don’t want to have to search by EMPLOYEE_ID and LOCATION; hence, partition elimination cannot take place on the index partitions. Also, EMPLOYEE_ID by itself must be unique.
•\ JOB_TITLE: There is no relationship between JOB_TITLE and LOCATION. All JOB_TITLE values may appear in any LOCATION.

There is a need to access the EMPLOYEE data by many different keys in different places in the application, and speed is paramount. In a data warehouse, we might just use locally partitioned indexes on these keys and use parallel index range scans to collect a large amount of data fast. In these cases, we don’t necessarily need to use index partition elimination. In an OLTP system, however, we do need to use it. Parallel query is not appropriate for these systems; we need to provide the indexes appropriately. Therefore, we will need to make use of global indexes on certain fields.

The following are the goals we need to meet:
•\ Fast access
•\ Data integrity
•\ Availability

Global indexes can help us accomplish these goals in an OLTP system. We will probably not be doing sliding windows, auditing aside for a moment. We will not be splitting partitions (unless we have a scheduled downtime), we will not be moving data, and so on. The operations we perform in a data warehouse are not done on a live OLTP system in general.

Here is a small example that shows how we can achieve the three goals just listed with global indexes. I am going to use simple, single partition global indexes, but the results would not be different with global indexes in multiple partitions (except for the fact that availability and manageability would increase as we added index partitions). We start by creating tablespaces P1, P2, P3, and P4, then create a table that is range partitioned by location, LOC, according to our rules, which place all LOC values less than ‘C’ into partition P1, those less than ‘D’ into partition P2, and so on:

$ sqlplus eoda/foo@PDB1
SQL> create tablespace p1 datafile size 1m autoextend on next 1m; Tablespace created.
SQL> create tablespace p2 datafile size 1m autoextend on next 1m; Tablespace created.
SQL> create tablespace p3 datafile size 1m autoextend on next 1m; Tablespace created.
SQL> create tablespace p4 datafile size 1m autoextend on next 1m; Tablespace created.
SQL> create table emp(EMPNO NUMBER(4) NOT NULL,ENAME VARCHAR2(10),JOB VARCHAR2(9),MGR NUMBER(4),HIREDATE DATE,SAL NUMBER(7,2),COMM NUMBER(7,2),DEPTNO NUMBER(2) NOT NULL,LOC VARCHAR2(13) NOT NULL)partition by range(loc) (partition p1 values less than(‘C’) tablespace p1, partition p2 values less than(‘D’) tablespace p2, partition p3 values less than(‘N’) tablespace p3, partition p4 values less than(‘Z’) tablespace p4 );Table created.

We alter the table to add a constraint on the primary key column:
SQL> alter table emp add constraint emp_pk primary key(empno); Table altered.

A side effect of this is that there exists a unique index on the EMPNO column. This shows we can support and enforce data integrity, one of our goals. Finally, we create two more global indexes on DEPTNO and JOB to facilitate accessing records quickly by those attributes:

SQL> create index emp_job_idx on emp(job) GLOBAL; Index created.
SQL> create index emp_dept_idx on emp(deptno) GLOBAL; Index created.
SQL> insert into empselect e.*, d.locfrom scott.emp e, scott.dept dwhere e.deptno = d.deptno;14 rows created.

Let’s see what is in each partition:
SQL> break on pname skip 1
SQL> select ‘p1’ pname, empno, job, loc from emp partition(p1) union allselect ‘p2’ pname, empno, job, loc from emp partition(p2)union allselect ‘p3’ pname, empno, job, loc from emp partition(p3)union allselect ‘p4’ pname, empno, job, loc from emp partition(p4);

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