Reference Partitioning-Partitioning-2

The simple syntax to reimplement our previous example could be as follows. We’ll reuse the existing parent table ORDERS and just truncate that table:
SQL> drop table order_line_items cascade constraints; Table dropped.
SQL> truncate table orders;Table truncated.
SQL> insert into orders values ( 1, to_date( ’01-jun-2020′, ‘dd-mon-yyyy’ ), ‘xxx’ );1 row created.
SQL> insert into orders values ( 2, to_date( ’01-jun-2021′, ‘dd-mon-yyyy’ ), ‘xxx’ );1 row created.

And create a new child table:
SQL> create table order_line_items(order# number,line# number,datavarchar2(30),constraint c1_pk primary key(order#,line#),constraint c1_fk_p foreign key(order#) references orders)enable row movementpartition by reference(c1_fk_p);Table created.
SQL> insert into order_line_items values ( 1, 1, ‘yyy’ ); 1 row created.
SQL> insert into order_line_items values ( 2, 1, ‘yyy’ ); 1 row created.

The magic is on line 10 of the CREATE TABLE statement. Here, we replaced the range partitioning statement with PARTITION BY REFERENCE. This allows us to name the foreign key constraint to use to discover what our partitioning scheme will be.

Here, we see the foreign key is to the ORDERS table—the database read the structure of the ORDERS table and determined that it had two partitions—therefore, our child table will have two partitions.

In fact, if we query the data dictionary right now, we can see that the two tables have the same exact partitioning structure:
SQL> select table_name, partition_name from user_tab_partitionswhere table_name in ( ‘ORDERS’, ‘ORDER_LINE_ITEMS’ )order by table_name, partition_name;

Further, since the database understands these two tables are related, we can drop the parent table partition and have it automatically clean up the related child table partitions (since the child inherits from the parent, any alteration of the parent’s partition structure cascades down):
SQL> alter table orders drop partition part_2020 update global indexes; Table altered.
SQL> select table_name, partition_name from user_tab_partitionswhere table_name in ( ‘ORDERS’, ‘ORDER_LINE_ITEMS’ )order by table_name, partition_name;

So, the DROP we were prevented from performing before is now permitted, and it cascades to the child table automatically.

Further, if we ADD a partition, as follows, we can see that that operation is cascaded as well; there will be a one-to-one parity between the parent and the child:
SQL> alter table orders add partitionpart_2022 values less than(to_date( ’01-01-2023′, ‘dd-mm-yyyy’ )); Table altered.
SQL> select table_name, partition_name from user_tab_partitionswhere table_name in ( ‘ORDERS’, ‘ORDER_LINE_ITEMS’ )order by table_name, partition_name;

A part of the preceding CREATE TABLE statement that we did not discuss is the ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT. In short, the syntax allows an UPDATE to take place such that the UPDATE modifies the partition key value and modifies it in such a way as to cause the row to move from its current partition into some other partition.

Now, since we defined our parent table originally as permitting row movement, we were forced to define all of our child tables (and their children and so on) as having that capability as well, for if the parent row moves and we are using reference partitioning, we know the child row(s) must move as well. For example:
SQL> select ‘2021’, count() from order_line_items partition(part_2021) union all select ‘2022’, count() from order_line_items partition(part_2022);’202 COUNT(*)

We can see that right now our data in the child table ORDER_LINE_ITEMS is in the 2021 partition. By performing a simple update against the parent ORDERS table, as follows, we can see our data moved—in the child table:
SQL> update orders set order_date = add_months(order_date,12); 1 row updated.
SQL> select ‘2021’, count() from order_line_items partition(part_2021) union all select ‘2022’, count() from order_line_items partition(part_2022);’202 COUNT(*)

An update against the parent was cascaded down to the child table and caused the child table to move a row (or rows as needed).

To summarize, reference partitioning removes the need to denormalize data when partitioning parent and child tables. Furthermore, when dropping a parent partition, it will automatically drop the referenced child partition. These features are very useful in data warehousing environments.

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